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Weed pick up lines 🍀🤏 in 2024

I don’t smoke dope. I don’t drink bourbon. All I want to do is shake my turban.

Hey baby, my friend and I are having a bake sale. Would you like to join us?

My love 420 will not be the same without you.

Want to get cough-ee with me?

For when you want to be straight forward

I got weed.

Why don’t me and you go to your place and get stoned, maybe cuddle and make a little whoopie?

Your eyes are as green as the weed I’m smoking.

(Just stare for 20 seconds) Wait, what’s your name again?

I’ve got an 18-inch piece. Want to see?

Wanna help me smoke this joint?

Honey, you’re like a Balrog… smoking hot.

Hey baby! You’re smoking!

My love for you burns stronger than a frizzle.

I have a huge kush on you.

For when you want to make conversation while asking for a light

I have a huge kush on you

You are so adorable when you geek out.

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