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Chemistry pick up lines 🧪👨🏼‍🔬 in 2024

Are you a non-volatile particle?
Because you raise my boiling point.

You’re made of oxygen and neon, right?
Because you’re definitely the ONe.

I wish your name was Avogadro because then I would already know your number.

Your body must be made of oxygen and neon because you are the ONe.

You raise my dopamine levels.

hey can I put my Bunsen In your air-hole? 

Are you the acid to my litmus paper?
Because every time I meet you I turn bright red.

My heart burns like a mole of suns for you.

You’re hotter than sulfuric acid and sugar and you smell twice as sweet.

Are you on the periodic table?
‘Cause you are SODIUM fine 

I’d be the photon to your electron and take you to an excited state. 

Excuse me, have you lost an electron?
Because you are positively attractive!

Chemists do it on the table periodically.

Are you into science?
Because I LAB you!

Chem students do it on the table periodically 

Are you made of copper?
Because I can Cu in a relationship with me.

You’re the Higgs boson particle of my life… because without you, my universe wouldn’t “matter.”

You must be chlorine cause you are polarizing my bond.

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