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Bad pick up lines in 2024

Hey, do you have a couple of minutes for me to hit on you?

You’re like a candy bar: half sweet and half nuts.

Do you drink milk?
It sure did your body good.

Can you touch my hand?
I want to tell my friends I’ve been touched by an angel.

I had your sister last year, she sucked. Wanna defend your family honor?

You know the more I drink, the prettier you get!

You must be the reason for global warming because you’re hot.

The only STD I have is sexually transmitted desire…for you.

Is your name Google?
Because you’ve got everything I’m searching for.

Are you Willy Wonka’s daughter, ‘cuz you look sweet and delicious.

Did you clean your pants with Windex?
I can practically see myself in them.

Are you an overdue book?
Because you’ve got FINE written all over you!

I wanna put my thingy into your thingy.

You might not be the best looking girl here, but beauty is only a light switch away.

Are you going to kiss me or do I have to lie to my diary?

If you were a Transformer, you’d be Optimus Fine.

At the dinner table, (if you eat together) pick up the bread and say, “Wanna roll?”

A face without freckles is like a night sky without stars.

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