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Dinosaur pick up lines 🦖 in 2024

Let’s go back to my place so you can play with my bonersaurus.

Baby girl you’re like dino-mite.

Do you prefer a triceratops or tricerabottoms?

If I can’t have you I’ll be a tyrannosaurus wreck.

Have you ever been dinosaur kissed?
Allow me to demonstrate.

Me Tarzan, you Jane.

You could melt an iceman’s heart.

Yeah I’m a t-rex and my arms are short, but guess what? I make up for it elsewhere.

I like dinosaurs, you like dinosaurs, lets get this thing going.

You should come home with me, because I’ll make you dino-sore.

Wanna extract some minerals from my bone?

Leave carbon at home lets go on a date.

Want to play with club?

C’mon Baby Light My Fire.

I’m not a megalodon, but I’ve got a mega-long-dong.

Why did you have to end the Ice Age by being so hot?

You must be a raptor, because I want to ride you all day.

Are you from the Jurassic period cause jur ass is amazing.

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