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History pick up lines 📜⌛ in 2024

You wanna play Pearl Harbor?
It’s a game where I lay back and you blow the hell out of me.

Care to come over for some Hysteria Relief?

No one can debunk the fact that you are the center of my universe

We would be the most perfect union.

I’m like George Washington — I cannot tell a lie. So believe me when I say you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.

Want to reenact the Battle of the Bulge?

Your palace looks like it could use a sturdy column.

If I were Columbus, I would sail day and night to reach the depths of your heart.

If you go out with me, I’ll be like Paul Revere yelling, “I got a date.

I’ve got the ‘thanks’ ready, if you’ll do the ‘giving

I’m sorry I wasn’t part of your past, want me to make it up by being in your future?

You remind me of the guillotine; I always lose my head around you, dear.

Did you develop the plane?
Cause you appear Wright to me.

You can call me Lincoln in light of the fact that I’m going to liberate you from those jeans.

Baby you’re gonna be like France tonight might as well say yes… Your resistance to my offensive ill be symbolic and in the end, you’re gonna lose.

You hit me harder than the stock market crash of October 1929.

Are you a tower?
Because Eiffel for you.

Your breasts remind me of Mount Rushmore… My face should be among them!

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