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Science pick up lines 🔬🧬🧪 in 2024

Please fondle my vesicles while I caress your Golgi body.

My dream is to travel to outer space so I can go and explore Uranus.

I’ve finally discovered what’s causing global warming. You!

Are you centripetal force?
Because you make my world go round.

Do you like science?
Because I lab you so much!

Anaerobic respiration reminds me of how you take my breath away.

You’re just like amylase because you make everything taste sweeter.

Were you born in an open cluster?
Because you shine like a young star!

My selection of you was all natural.

I know an exciting way to convert our potential energy into kinetic energy? But first, let’s go somewhere private.

I don’t need neurons to stimulate your sensory system.

Every orbital in my life is half-filled without you.

Even if I was T-Rex, I would find a way to hug you.

What say we get behind this outcrop and get a little boulder?

Woah, that attractive field of yours is pulling me in! By any chance, are you a Van de Graaff generator?

Seeing your gluteus maximus makes my phallus tingle.

My love for you is like the universe—infinite and constantly expanding!

If we were an earthquake, I’d be the S wave and you’d be the P wave, because you’d be the first one to come.

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