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Lawyer pick up lines 👩‍⚖️⚖️ in 2024

You stepped on my foot. I’ve got an idea for how you can mitigate your damages.

I’m going to sue the pants off you.

Are you intro to property law?
Because I bet you can make me cry and waste countless hours of my life.

Are you the Third Amendment, cause I’m thinking about quartering my soldier in your home.

If I said you were sexy, would you sign this form indemnifying me against sexual harassment litigation?

Girl, I can sustain an objection for almost four hours.

The prosecution can rest at my place tonight.

Damn boy, is your ass Informal Rulemaking under the Administrative Procedure Act? Because I just had to Notice and Comment.

Is that an amicus curiae, or are you just happy to see me?

How about coming back to my place for a little actus reus?

Wanna come over to where I have a reasonable expectation of privacy?

I’ll make sure we observe Title IX and each get substantially equal playing time.

Let me point you in the direction of…my place.

If loving you is a crime, then I’m looking at a life sentence.

Westlaw and chill?

Are you a 3L?
Cause I’d like to take a look at your outlines.

Are you a lawyer?
Because you’re the proseCUTEST

Girl, you’re testi-fine.

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