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Video Game pick up lines 🎮 in 2024

Will your ass give me a 1UP if I tap on it?

If I turn my back on you, will you chase me like Boo?

Are you pot?
Because for some reason, I want to smash you.

I’m a warlock, a master of shadow magic! Come, let’s do it in the dark.

I’m a hardcore gamer so you can trust me to be good with my fingers.

Do you like Nintendo?
Cause Wii would look good together.

Charmanders are red, Squirtles are blue. If you were a Pokémon, then I’d chose you.

Guess what you and Ifrit have in common?

You must be the non-stop climax edition I’ve heard about. I can’t wait to play you.

Will you be my controller?
You know I can’t resist pressing your buttons.

Do you want to slide down the flagpole and beat the level?

You’re not mature yet?
Don’t worry, I know the song of time.

I like playing video games. Because you are my candy crush.

In order to pick a weapon, all I need to do is press “X.” Does this work for picking you up as well?

You must be a summoner, because I can feel a powerful creature rising in my pants!

I like to Pikachu when you’re naked!

Wanna see my deku nuts?

Do you need your space to be invaded?

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