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Video Game pick up lines 🎮 in 2025

Will your ass give me a 1UP if I tap on it?

I’d take a Bullet Bill to my heart for you.

You complete my heart container.

If I show you my gun, will let me see your portal?

You have the key to my chest, and inside is my heart.

I’m like an Xbox… I can go 360 all night long!

Did you just use an elixir?
Because my PP went up!

Did you juse cast graviga on me?
Because I suddenly can’t help but gravitate towards you.

Do you want me to raid your tomb?

I promise you that I will never “up up down down left right left right B A start” on you

If you were a warp pipe, I would like to be in you all day.

It’s dangerous to go alone. Take me.

I may not be the One Winged Angel, but my Muramasa is definitely long and hard.

I’ll have you instead of 2 number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, 2 number 45s, 1 with cheese, and a large soda.

Can you gank my bot lane?

I don’t need the song of storms to make you wet.

I was following the indicator of where to score and it brought me to you.

Are you NES game cartridge?
For some reason, I just want to blow you.

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