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Tinder pick up lines ❤️🔥 in 2025
Do you want to hear a joke about ghosts?
(Yes.). That’s the spirit!
Dinner first, or can we go straight for dessert?
Favourite thing to do on a Friday night?
a) cuddling and watching Netflix by the fireplace b) the hottest bar in town c) dinner party d) I’ll tell you over drinks?
Are you the square root of 1?
Because you seriously can’t be real!
Do you have an Instagram?
My mom always told me to follow my dreams.
Have you been covered in bees recently? I just assumed because you look sweeter than honey.
What’s your definition of a good weekend?
Tell me, what can I say to impress you?
If you could be anywhere in the world, doing anything you like right now, where would you be and what would you do?
Can I follow you home?
Cause my parents always told me to follow my dreams.
On a lazy Sunday: Netflix all day, getting lost in a museum, or cuddling with me?
Top three best things to do on a Saturday?
I see you’re serving a life sentence for being sexy, but that’s OK, I like a bad girl/boy.
Hey, I’m writing an article on the finer things in life, and I was hoping I could interview you.
I’d say you’re the bomb, but that could turn into lethal conversation…
I would absolutely love to swap bodily fluids with you.
My name’s Microsoft. Does that give me an excuse to crash at your place tonight? (I’ll bring my Mac?)
I think I saw you on Spotify. You were listed as the hottest single?
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Tinder pick up lines have become extremely popular
It is a fact that there has been a huge increase in the popularity of Tinder pick up lines at present. We are mainly locked within the 4 walls because of this lockdown, and an increasing number of individuals are going online in search of love. During the last 6 months, Tinder has become quite popular and new users are pouring in every single day.Although it might sound to be a good thing, it implies that you will have more competitors who will be also trying to attract beautiful girls just like you. Therefore, it will be imperative for you to stay ahead of the competition. For this, you have to be a bit smart and need to come up with some hilarious and clever ideas as well. A simple “Hi” will not be enough in this contemporary dating scenario, and you need to make use of something special.
Therefore, before making use of any pick up line, it is imperative for you to perform some research. There are several things to consider, and we have mentioned some of those things in the following paragraphs which will help to spice up your dating quest significantly.