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The Office pick up lines in 2024

I make small cubicles fun.

What do you say we bounce like a bad email?

I’m not superstitious about this love between us, but I am a little stitious about our little affair.

Toby might not think it is illegal to put Caprese salad anywhere but stealing my heart does.

Can I see the inside of your cubicle?

If you were Microsoft Office, I would totally Access you.

We should ask Powerpoint for help, but you are the beautiful presentation tool in this party.

Tonight would be a convenient night for us to have some intercourse.

We both know why I’m here. To see, you, naked, while I’m, naked

How about we slip out of these suits and into something a little more casual Friday?

Performance evaluations are my favorite day of the year.

Like what Dwight said when a seed is planted into the ground, I will plant my seed into you.

I love you as much as Michael hates Toby.

Would you like to have man meat with passionate kisses and warm embraces as side dishes?

I may not be the most handsome guy using the copier, but right now, I’m the only one making you wait for it.

What do you say we opt-out of here and opt-in to my jacuzzi?

You’re the deuce I never wanna drop.

I hope that I would dance with you tonight and whisper several times that we are soup snakes.

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