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The Office pick up lines in 2025

Sometimes you just have to ask yourself, “Am I a profit or a loss?” Now which one are you?

I think we are a pair of soup snakes who would love to dance all throughout this lovely night.

I want to make you my soup snake like what Michael Scott has said to Holly in ‘The Office’.

I think that my love for you is as immeasurable as the actual ratio of unicorns to leprechauns.

I would wager that two self-starters like ourselves would have a good time together.

Let us start our love affair like Michael Scott started a sentence and let it go where it wants.

I have many questions now, such as number one: how dare you make me fall in love with you?

I want to wrap you now in my warmest embrace because I am a black belt for wrapping gifts.

Do you have a privacy policy?
Because I’d love to see your fine print.

Let’s do this, but in real time.

Men are also like wolves who must be cared, so this animal like me deserves loving from you.

I wanna be wined, and dined, and 69ed.

In our wildest fantasies, we are in hell where we run the bed and eat breakfast with the devil.

I can’t erase you from my memory. (Office Supply – USB)

The best part of this acquisition is you.

I love the smell of bacon on a woman.

We should watch the show ‘The Office’ until we can make our love much funnier than ever.

All I ever wanted is laying on a beach with you and sharing delicious hotdogs for our snacks.

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