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Thanksgiving pick up lines 🦃🍗 in 2024

My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the stuffing.

Why don’t you put down that second piece of pie, pretty pilgrim. I think it’s high time you discovered my Plymouth rock.

Baby, you’re like a turkey dinner: I’ll eat you with (cranberry) relish.

Wow, that’s one fantastic spread!

I can give you something to really be thankful about!

The turkey isn’t the only thing on this table that needs basting!

I want you even more than buttery garlic mashed potatoes.

You’re so cute I could gobble you up.

Baby, I can make your Plymouth rock!

If I was a turkey, I’d be doing everything I could to taste terrible right now.

There is a special place in hell for people that play Christmas music before Thanksgiving.

The turkey isn’t the only thing on this table that needs basting.

My pants are feeling a little tight after Thanksgiving dinner. Would you like to help me take them off?

I’d love to stuff your turkey, sweetheart.

You’re such a hot bird, I’d give you my presidential pardon.

Would you like to try some of this dark meat?

They say tying the legs together keeps everything moist.

The only thing sweeter than pumpkin pie is you, baby!

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