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Thanksgiving pick up lines 🦃🍗 in 2024

Hey, bb, I heard you got a wishbone for me.

It takes me four and a half hours to really get cookin’.’

I have a thing for butterballs.

Want to break the wishbone?
I’m wishing for a date with you.

I’m using the wishbone to manifest a date with you.

All my relatives keep asking me at Thanksgiving dinner why I’m still single. Want to help me change that before next Thanksgiving?

So, Technically We’re Not Blood Related, Right? Cause Those Juicy Breasts Are Making Me Hungry!

I’m the opposite of a turkey… I cook for four and a half hours after my timer pops!

They should change the name of Thanksgiving to something more fitting like say, Turkeypocolypse or Stuffing-cide.

Like Thanksgiving, I come multiple times a year across various countries.

Would you like to stuff my turkey?

Want to break the wishbone?
I’m wishing for a date with you.

Call me tryptophan, because you’ll be sleepy when we’re done together.

You can call me Tryptophan, because you’ll be all sleepy after I’m done with you!

Better save room for dessert, because the best flavor of pie is me.

Takes sip of water after every set crew

I never understood why the Lions and Cowboys always get to play on Thanksgiving. Shouldn’t the Patriots play the Redskins, and then steal their stadium.

One look at you and I’m gonna have to unbutton my pants! Cause they are about to burst!

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