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Thanksgiving pick up lines 🦃🍗 in 2025

You don’t need Thanksgiving to hate your family.

And, of course, this piece of cinematic brilliance, courtesy of Gigli

Would you like to try some of this dark meat?

I’d love to stuff your turkey, sweetheart.

I’m the opposite of a turkey, I cook for four and a half hours after my timer pops!

Are you tryptophan?
Because you’re making me want to go to bed.

If I get the longer piece of the wishbone, then I know what I’m wishing for: a date with you.

Show your chivalrous side! That never hurts…even if it isn’t 100% chivalrous.

I’m going to Plymouth Rock your world!

Those juicy breasts are making me hungry!

Let’s make like mac ‘n cheese and melt together.

Why don’t you put down that second piece of pie, pretty pilgrim. I think it’s high time you discovered my plymouth rock.

Damn, girl, you’ve got some fine yams.

Did you save room?
Because I have something else to gobble on.

You have to smoke a couple of bowls before Thanksgiving dinner. I can’t think of a better time to have the munchies.

I’m feeling extra thankful I matched with you today.

They should change the name of Thanksgiving to something more fitting like say, Turkeypocolypse or Stuffing-cide.

I’m a real master baster.

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