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Thanksgiving pick up lines 🦃🍗 in 2024

Thanksgiving dinner isn’t the only thing that will make you want to loosen your belt.

You’ve got the juiciest breasts in town.

Turkey legs may be juicy, but yours are delicious.

I put the pumpin pumpkin pie.

I’d love to get you in my gravy boat.

I can give you something to really be thankful about!

For the first time, we are going to have a HAPPY Thanksgiving. This year, I am stuffing the turkey with Prozac!

I checked the thermometer, and you’re officially one hot bird.

You’re like Thanksgiving dinner — delicious, satisfying, and after we’re done, I’ll probably fall asleep.

If you’re tired of hearing your relatives argue about politics, then I’d be happy to provide you with a distraction

I’ve got a little something for you to gobble on.

I’d love to get you in my gravy boat.

I’d love to get you in my gravy boat.

Forget the wishbone, I wish you’d bone me.

Is your favorite Thanksgiving food sweet or savory?
Lucky for you, I’m both.

Meeting you is something I’m thankful for.

If I can’t break the wishbone, know that I’m wishing for a date with you.

Want to really freak someone out?
Add 2 extra turkey legs to the turkey when it’s in the oven.

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