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Star Wars pick up lines 🎥 in 2024

I may not be able to feel the Force, but I wish I could feel you.

Are you baby Yoda?
Because you’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

I must be drawn to the force, because Yoda only one for me.

You’re Endor-able!

You, me, here.

I may look like an Ewok, but I’m all Wookiee where it counts, baby.

How about I put my Binks in your Jar Jar?

Open up your hangar. My starfighter needs refueling.

You’re hotter than the flames on Mustafar.

You like Star Wars?

I’d shoot my rocket in your thermal exhaust port.

I’m looking for a Jedi in the streets, but a Sith in the sheets.

I saw you beaming from across the room.

The power to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of our love.

You may not be Luke’s father, but can you be my daddy?

When I saw you across the crowded cantina, my crotch felt like it went through an instant carbon freeze chamber.

Take off your armor… No need to be a stormtrooper around me.

I love you to the Death Star and back.

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