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Sexy pick up lines 🍑 in 2024

You ever feel a little cocky?
Want to?

Excuse me, does my tongue taste strange to you?

So what am I making you for breakfast tomorrow?

They call me The Appendix because I have no use and suddenly burst inside you.

Are you bored?
Because I’d love to nail you.

There are 206 bones in the human body; want one more?

Fancy some Sex On the Beach?
And what about a drink first?

I don’t sleep with strangers, so how about we get to know each other quickly?

Ever slept with an ugly guy? No?
Do you want to?

I think I lost my dog, would you like to help me find it?
I think he went into this motel room across the street.

I hate waste, and these condoms are about to expire. Would you mind helping me out?

Is that a mirror in your pants?
Because I think I can see myself in them.

What’s a nice girl like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?

Do you like sleeping?
Me too, we should do it together sometime.

Wanna exchange genetic information with me?

Are you looking for a stud? Because I’ve got the STD and all I need is U.

Fancy a 68?
You go down on me, and I’ll owe you one.

Do you sleep on your stomach?
Can I?

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