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Roblox pick up lines in 2024

Want to party? In my game?

Are you a dictionary?
Cause you’re adding meaning to my life.

Babe, my virtual bedroom is open for you any time.

Girl, I love your avatar like I love you.

I am sorry, I should have come sooner to make the game better.

Hey! You are the whole world to me.

Are you a pizza bite because I like pizza?

Mind if I blox at your crib tonight?

Are you for real?
Or are you just my imagination coming to life.

What are you playing tonight?

Do you have a pencil because I want to erase her past and write about our future?

Are you a loan? ‘
Cause you’ve got my interest!

I am dumb. Can you explain things to me?

Girl, are you a game badge?
Because you are totally worth every effort.

So, how much robux would it cost for you to go out with me?

Do you need a mechanic like me for repairing your house?

Have you been covered in bees recently? I just assumed, because you look sweeter than honey.

Do you have a band-aid because I’m just great for you?

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