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Pun pick up lines in 2024

I think I may need glasses because all I can see is you. (This only works if you don’t wear glasses.)

Do you like science because I’ve got my ion you.

If you were a triangle you’d be acute one.

If you were a chicken, you’d be impeccable.

My lips are like skittles. Wanna taste the rainbow?

Did you swallow magnets?
Cause you’re attractive.

Your hand looks heavy. Here, let me hold it for you.

Good thing I just bought term life insurance… because I saw you and my heart stopped!

My head just exploded because you are the bomb. (Hmmm…just might work.)

Are you craving Pizza?
Because I’d love to get a pizz-a you

You’re like a dictionary… you add meaning to my life.

My doctor says I’m lacking vitamin U.

Remember me?
Oh, that’s right, I’ve met you only in my dreams.

You are definitely the answer to my prayers, and God sent me here.

Is your body from McDonald’s?
Cause I’m lovin’ it!

Do you want to see a picture of a beautiful person?
(hold up a mirror)

Pinch me, you’re so fine I must be dreaming.

Do you generate electricity with water through the process of hydro power? Because dammmm.

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