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Pun pick up lines in 2024

There is something wrong with my cell phone. It doesn’t have your number in it.

Do you like vegetables because I love you from my head tomatoes.

Are you from Starbucks because I like you a latte.

If you were a vegetable you’d be a cutecumber.

What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in the room?

I must be a snowflake, because I’ve fallen for you.

Even if I searched every corner of Google, I couldn’t find someone as beautiful as you.

Is your name Wi-fi?
Because I’m really feeling a connection.

Are you lost ma’am?
Because heaven is a long way from here.

I know this is going to sound cheesy, but I think you’re the gratest.

Is your name Google?
Because you’ve got everything I’m searching for.

I’ll cook you dinner, if you cook me breakfast.

If looks could kill, you’d be a weapon of mass destruction.

You know what you would really look beautiful in?
My arms.

If you were a fruit you’d be a fineapple.

I’ll give you three wishes if your first wish is for me. (I’m not sure, but I think Aladdin tried this once.)

Are you from China?
Because I’m China get your number.

If we were playing poker, I would go all in.

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