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Pokemon pick up lines ⚡ in 2025

STD’s are like Pokemon baby, gotta catch ‘em all! Do you want to help me out?

If you were in a Pokemon Contest, you’d win first place in the Beauty Contest.

When I saw you girl, my Metapod used Harden.

My Gyarados is big enough for you to ride it all day and night.

You put the “bone” in Cubone.

Do you have a Ditto in your pocket because I can see myself in your pants.

You may want to catch ’em all, but I only want to catch you.

I’d like to get in your rock tunnel.

I think we’re going to need Defog before the night is done.

I can make your Milktanks moo.

If I were a Nidoking, you would be my Nidoqueen.

I must need an Awakening, because I just found the girl of my dreams.

My Kadabra just used Future Sight. And it looks like we’ve got a future together.

Are you from the Hoenn Region?
Because you’re the only HO I see.

If I were a Ghastly, I’d seep right through your pants.

I’d like to ride you like a Horsea.

Hi babe, I see you’re trying to use Attract on me. If you were wondering, it’s working – I just used Harden.

Do you like Pokeballs? Because you’re about to get really close to mine.

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