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Pizza pick up lines 🍕 in 2024

I would definitely melt over your hotness right now.

I only eat two things: pizza and you.

Hello there, pizza box. Can I get your top off?

Damn girl, I want a pizza that butt.

If you were a pizza and I was cheese, I’d melt over you.

Your size and thickness will not matter baby, just be with me tonight.

Do you know what you have in common with pizza?
You are both hot and ready.

Are you identically twinned with pizza?
I find pizza very irresistible. 

I have pizza. (smooth, huh?)

Pizza and beer only work fine if I also have you as my company.

Are you a mozzarella di buffala?
Because you make my life cheesier and creamier.

I do not know what I crave more right now, pizza or you-za.

Babe, are you a pizza?
Because every slice of you is perfect.

Hey babe, how about a pizza and some sex?
(No!) Why not? You don’t like pizza?

Is your name pizza?
Because I feel hungrier whenever I look at you.

If I am going to flirt with you I am going to do it over pizza.

I am some cheese, do you happen to be you pizza?
Because I would love to melt over you.

You look so greasy. You must be pizza!

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