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Pizza pick up lines 🍕 in 2024

Do you like history?
I love pizza. We could make our romance a pizza history. 

Guess what?
Pizza is my second favorite thing to eat… in bed.

I want to taste you like I wanted to taste pizza right now.

Don’t shake me, don’t turn me upside down. Just treat me nicely, and then EAT ME.

Are you some cheese? I know a pizza that needs melting over. 

I did not know pizzas had seconds. Because you rev my heartbeat just like pizza does.

Girl, you’re hot enough to burn the roof of my mouth.

Would you like sausage on that? On your tonsils I mean.

My tongue delights in all these flavors, but it’ll delight more if I tasted you.

Fresh out of the oven, you are so hot that it leaves me wondering the temperature of your oven.

You’re the only topping I need on my pizza.

Just like this pizza, my tongue will also go straight to your thighs.

A piece of you is not enough; a whole box of you might be.

Baby I will not let you enter the stage of sogification because I would eat you right away.

Do you see that girl over there? She has been eyeing but do not worry. I am not interested in her, because cheese not you.

Babe, you’re just like a pizza. Even when you’re bad, you’re good.

Will you be the extra cheese to my pizza?

Want to hear a joke about pizza?
Never mind; it’s too cheesy.

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