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Physics pick up lines 🔭 in 2024

If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I’d have a galaxy in my hand.

According to Newton’s law of universal gravitation, If I’m attracted to you, then you’re attracted to me.

Those other guys said that your eyes shine like stars. But can they explain how they shine with equal brightness?

You must be a magnetic monopole because all I get from you is the attraction

Come to me when you’re ready for the Big Bang.

Don’t deny it. I know you can travel at the speed of light! I figured it out because time always seems to stop whenever I see you.

You are the Higgs Boson of my life because, without you, my universe won’t ‘matter’.

Wanna see the exponential growth of my natural log?

I’m so attracted to you that scientists have to develop a fifth fundamental force.

I’ve got the mass and the acceleration, so get ready for some thrust force!

My bond length might be short, but it can still give you some “electron density”.

I wish I were Adenine because then I could get paired with U

Were you born in an open cluster?
Because you shine like a young star!

Are you at a 90-degree angle?
Because you look just right!

I’d be the photon to your electron and take you to an excited state.

Was that drink magnetic?
Cause, you are attractive.

You know, it’s not the length of the vector that counts. It’s how you apply the force.

You give me Epsilon. I give you Delta. Together, we find limits

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