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Nerdy pick up lines 🤓 in 2024

If you go out with me, I promise I won’t take you for granite.

You must be the square root of 2, because I feel irrational around you.

Did you know that chemists do it on the table periodically? Let’s be chemists for a day!

Hey, nice asymptote!

You’re like a dictionary — you add meaning to my life.

If I was a knight in shining armor, would you lower your drawbridge for me?

I wish I was an ion, so I could form an exothermic bond with you.

Let me be your integral so I can be the area under your curves.

I need some answers for my math homework. Quick. What’s your number?

Are you a high test score?
Because I just want to take you home and show you to my parents.

Are you the square root of -1?
Because you can’t be real!

Are you from Mars?
Because you look out of this world.

Wanna exchange genetic information with me?

Do you want to share some electrons?
Maybe we could have a stable relationship.

You’re more special than relativity.

Do you want to share some electrons? Maybe we could have a stable relationship.

Your clothes would look better accelerating towards the floor at 9.8 m/s.

My love for you goes on like the value of pi.

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