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Nerdy pick up lines 🤓 in 2024

You and I add up better than the Riemann sum.

Your Bosons are giving me a Hadron.

If you’re so good at algebra, could you replace my X without asking Y?

I wish I was a secant line so I could touch your curve twice.

It would be my pleasure to turn on your personal hotspot.

Hey, does this handkerchief smell like CHCl3?

You’ve got the curves, I’ve got the angles.

Are you made of beryllium, gold, and titanium?
Because you are BeAuTi-ful.

Hey baby, wanna violate the Pauli Exclusion Principle with me?

Let me be your integral so I can be the area under your curves.

You must be a pile of dinosaur bones, because I dig you.

I’ll smuggle you in my spaceship any day.

You’re way hotter than the bottom of my laptop.

Yes, I have an iPhone in my pocket. Also, I’m glad to see you.

Can I have your significant digits?

If we were chromosomes, you’d be my homologous pair.

If you were an angle, you’d be acute one.

Are you a differentiable function?
Because I’d like to be the tangent to your curves!

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