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Nerdy pick up lines 🤓 in 2025

Your lab or my lab?

You and I add up better than the Riemann sum.

Let’s go to my room so I can show you the exponential growth of my natural log.

How about you and I form a binary system.

I’ve got my ion you, baby.

Hey, nice asymptote!

Are you a carbon sample?
Because I want to date you.

You know, it’s not the length of the vector that counts. It’s how you apply the force.

Do you like mat?
Add you and me, subtract our clothes, divide your legs and we can multiply.

You’re so hot that you managed to melt the elastics in my underwear.

I want our love to be like pi, irrational and never-ending.

Hey hon, are you made of dark matter?
Because you’re indescribable.

Let’s make like Excel and spreadsheets.

I would really like to bisect your angle.

Are you into science?
Because I lab you so much!

Can I have your significant digits?

My favorite attractive force is Van der Waal’s force. Can you feel it? I’ll move closer if you can’t.

You’ve got the curves, I’ve got the angles.

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