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Naruto pick up lines ⛩️ in 2024

I would love to dive into the spring time of your youth.

Is your dad a baker?
Because, damn you have the nicest buns.

Beauty is art. Art is a bang. Hey beautiful, would you like to bang?

Hey, wanna help me rebuild my clan?

Are You Hashirama?
Because Everyone Wants A Piece Of You

Damn babe, you come at me from more angles than the Crystal Ice Mirrors.

This is a threat! I can make you scream…in pleasure

They don’t call me The Golden Flash for nothing.

Are you Sasuke?
Because I want that body so bad.

Are you Otsutsuki?
Because you are like from the heavens.

Do you want me to show you my best Choji impression?

I’m so entranced by those eyes, I think I’ll take them.

You’re a pain, but I need to continue my lineage for the next generation, so what’re you waiting for?

I would start a shinobi war for you. It did not work for Obito. But guess what, I am not Obito!

Damn it, girl, you Banshō Ten’in me.

Are you looking for the best sex of your life tonight? I think female would do. (Or male).

They don’t call me Nine-Tails for nothing.

This is a threat! I can make you scream…in pleasure.

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