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Music pick up lines 🎵🎧 in 2024

Don’t your feet hurt after marching through my head all day?

The Proclaimers would walk 500 miles to “come back home to you,” but I’ll do you one better. I’ll sit through an entire Nickelback concert.

You’re so beautiful, you make me feel like an arpeggiated chord… broken.

My guitar teacher says my fingering is good, especially on the G-string

Are you a trumpet player?
Because you sure are makin’ me horny!

Everyone knows that flute-playing increases finger dexterity.

Let’s make some sweet music together, honey.

I hear you’re a second bass. Want to go to third with me?

Ooh, I love your accent… what is it, agogic?

I’m a drummer, and I can teach you. I could even let you borrow my stick.

I think you’re my perfect counterpoint.

I can make you hit all the high notes!

I bet that flute isn’t the only thing you know how to blow.

Baby I want to bang you as hard as I bang the keys of my piano when I play Beethoven’s 5th symphony.

I C Major chances of us two becoming an item.

You had me at the cello.

Would you like to play my organ?

I’d love to strum your G-string

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