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Music pick up lines 🎵🎧 in 2024

I bet we’d get into some serious Treble together.

You wanna grease my slide?

I can give you better hickeys than your chin rest.

I may not be Mumford, but do you want to have my sons?

I just lost my job and maybe Baroque, but that doesn’t mean I can’t show you a good time.

I bet we’d get into some serious Treble together.

Altos know how to go down low.

If you were minimalist music, I would love to see you again and again.

Enough exposition. Let’s move this to the development section.

If I were a drum I’d let you bang me all night long!

Would you like to play my organ?

I’ll let you play my clarinet if you promise not to chip the wood.

Do you want to go out?
I can put it down on my to-do Liszt.

Are you a piece of minimalist music?
Because I keep seeing you again and again.

Let’s play a love game. I’ll be Alejandro, you be Lady Gaga and I’ll let you take a ride on my disco stick.

I just lost my job and may be Baroque, but that doesn’t mean I can’t show you a good time.

I wanna rosin your bow…

My guitar teacher says I’m really good, particularly on the G-string.

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