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Medical pick up lines 🏥💊 in 2024

I get all Kluver-Bucy around you.

You must be a pulmonary embolism because you leave me breathless.

You seem like an interesting case—can I investigate you?

You’re too tall to fall in love with you.

Are you my appendix?
Cause I have a funny feeling in my stomach that makes me feel like I should take you out!

You have 206 bones in your body, want one more?

Did you damage my cerebellum?
Because I’m falling all over the place for you.

You get my heart racing like an epinephrine drip.

I hope someday to be your emergency contact.

Girl, if we were lymphocytes, you’d be a natural killer.

I just want to swab you up and down, then left and right, until we’re both afebrile.

I need medical attention! I hurt myself pretty bad falling for you.

Nice antibody. Wanna conjugate?

I fall a lot when you give me a mouth.

Will you be my G-Protein?
Because I want to be coupled with you!

You’d better be a cardiologist, because something about you makes me want to give you my heart.

Girl, your chromosomes have combined beautifully.

I’m no organ donor, but I’d happy to give you my copulatory organ.

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