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Mean pick up lines in 2024

As long as I have a face, you’ll always have a place to sit.

Sit on my face and I’ll guess your weight.

Are you free tonight, or are you going to cost me?

Roses are red, violets are blue. I have a gun, get in the van!

If you were a booger, I’d definitely pick you.

Do you like seafood?
Because I’ve got plenty of crabs.

Roses are red, violets are blue. I have a gun, get in the van!

Did you fall from heaven?
Because so did Satan.

How are you not cold?
You’ve been naked in my mind this whole time.

Sit on my face, and I’ll eat my way to your heart.

Do you have a mirror in your pocket?
Because your pants are big enough to fit one.

Is that a discharge in your underwear, or are you just happy to see me?

Much as I never play with poop, I promise you that I will never play with your heart.

Since all the hot ones are already taken, this is going to be your lucky night!

I can’t help but gravitate towards you. It must be your incredible mass that’s creating the gravitational pull.

Wanna sit on my lap and talk about the first thing that pops up? Like my bile?

Did you just fart?
Because you blew me away!

I just pooped in my bed. Can I sleep in yours?

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