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Math pick up lines 📐➕ in 2024

My feelings for you are too great to MEASURE. This love has no LIMIT.

If I were a function, you would be my asymptote. I always tend toward you.

Hey baby, can I see what is under your radical?

It is not the length of the vector that matters, it is how you apply the force.

Hey girl, what is your sine? I will tell you mine if you tell me yours.

You are the base of my trapezoid.

If you were a triangle then your base would be perpendicular to your height. I think that it must be a sine that you have the right angle for me.

Excuse me, can I get your seven significant digits?

Honey, you must be the square root of negative one because you are just unreal.

You must be p > 0.5, because I fail to reject you.

I am not being obtuse, but you are really acute, girl.

Hey girl, are you 1/x? Because you are the rate of change of my natural log.

We are great together. You have the curves and I have the angles.

Let us make a PRODUCT so great, we can join hearts and MULTIPLY them through.

Your body has the nicest arc length that I have ever seen.

Can you let me find your nth term?

I have a formula for you. YOU + ME = AWESOME.

Maybe this is a sine that you + me are meant 2 be.

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