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Math pick up lines 📐➕ in 2025

You squared plus me squares equals we squared.

I like fractions, do you want to do some with me? I am like a numerator because I like to be on top.

Honey, you are sweeter than pi.

Your face has perfect relative symmetry.

I would like to take you to the limit as x approaches infinity.

I think my statistics is getting better because I know that an interaction of me and you would have a significant effect.

When it comes to looks, you are way above the mean, median, and mode.

Hey baby, will you be my third dimension? Because without you I am not real.

The square root of all my fantasies is you.

I like you like the way a coefficient likes its variable.

You make me harder than the traveling salesman problem.

You are as sweet as 3.14159….

Do you want to come back to my room with me so we can do math? Add my bed, subtract our clothes, divide, your legs, and multiply.

Your body has the nicest arc length that I have ever seen.

You are the x to my y.

After tonight, will I just be a common denominator?

My friends told me that I should ask you out because you cannot differentiate.

If you and I were two objects of Set Theory, then where would we intersect?

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