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Math pick up lines 📐➕ in 2025

I was supposed to solve for x. I am so glad that I found u instead.

My love for you is like pi, it is never ending.

If the universe wanted me to assign you a number, you would be my number 1.

You must be a 90 degree angle, because you are looking right!

If 4 plus 4 equals 8, then you plus me equals fate.

Girl, you must be the square root of two because I feel irrational around you.

You must be a 90 degree angle because you are looking right.

If we are both math majors, then why is there so much chemistry between us?

Hey girl, what is your sin? It must be 90 because you are the 1.

You do not have to be an expert at math to realize that we make the perfect pair.

My feelings for you are too great to MEASURE. This love has no LIMIT.

If I were a function, you would be my asymptote. I always tend toward you.

Hey baby, can I see what is under your radical?

It is not the length of the vector that matters, it is how you apply the force.

Hey girl, what is your sine? I will tell you mine if you tell me yours.

You are the base of my trapezoid.

If you were a triangle then your base would be perpendicular to your height. I think that it must be a sine that you have the right angle for me.

Excuse me, can I get your seven significant digits?

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