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League Of Legends pick up lines in 2024

I’m cringing watching some of this stuff.

Hey baby is your name Taric because you stunned me from a mile away.

You Ignite the inside of my pants.

Even if you were Singed I would still chase after you.

You make me feel like cho. I just want to feast in your bush.

Are you an AD carry?
Because I’m fired up and ready to serve.

Is your name yorick?
Because Evanescence isn’t the only one who brings me to life

You know, if Ezreal saw you, he’d need a map. He’d get lost in your eyes.

Hey babe. I bought the double penetration runes.

Size doesn’t mean everything.

For only $2.95 a minute I will leave you breathless.

Your name must be Sona, because you just made me Crescendo.

re you french maid Nidalee because your S#xs are huge.

You don’t need to press E, to charm me.

Are you Ahri cause you’re charming.

Hey baby, I’m always on duty.

You need a rod and I have a large one, you can use it any time that you want, just clean it up.

Fear not im coming.

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