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Johnny bravo pick up lines 👱‍♂️ in 2025

Wanna feel my muscles?
Only a dime a minute.

Hello, 911 emergency, there’s a handsome guy in my house. Oh, Heh, wait a second, cancel that, it’s only me.

Man, it must be great being you watching me.

Are you familiar with the saying that any man who defends himself has a fool for a client?”

Neighbor kid help! Witch’s curse shrank me! Cops chasing me! I live with my mom! NO MOTIVATING GOALS!!!

I got you a birthday present, Me.

Now remember, I do my best work when I’m being worshiped as a god.

You understand what the dog says?

Enough about you let’s talk about me.

You know what?
I bet your name’s Mickey ’cause you’re so fine.

Mama mia. That’s a spicy meatball!

You know, you’d think a person with that much hate in her heart wouldn’t gravitate towards the service industry.

Hey baby, I can tell we both love the same things : Me!

Say, how ’bout you and me sharing soda right now?

Well, I-I’m afraid to love, so when people try to get close, I push them away, and… Talking doll!

Whaddaya mean?
I got the hamster wheel and the hamster food dispenser. (looks in the mirror) Oh no! She’s turnin’ me into a beautiful butterfly!

Wanna watch my chest hair move in slow motion?

Hey, there, hot mama, you wouldn’t happen to be hiding a gorilla under them clothes, would you?

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