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Hockey pick up lines 🏒 in 2025

Look, my teeth spell out “I love you” in block letters!

Do you want to be my assist?

If you were a puck, I will never shoot. Because I will always miss you.

If you are Zam, I mean, there are rumours, but if really you are, I’d love a Zamboni ride.

Hey girl, lemme get a few slapshots on your bum.

Wanna ride my Zam-boner?

I’m really good at slap shots. Do you want me to show you?

Even though I am the better skater, I would still recruit you for my tonsil hockey team.

Since you have made it clear that I cannot score, could I at least, get an assist?

I think you just tripped me, ’cause I just fell for you.

You wanna be my equipment manager?

Want to puck me?

I can promise you I am built for a game and I can go on as many times as you want me to.

You’re super fly.

Bagy, yrrr so beurdiffle dat I feel I can be nacheral wif yoo.

Me take you eat

Do you want to kiss someone without teeth?

If I can’t score, can I at least get an assist?

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