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History pick up lines 📜⌛ in 2025

You wanna play Pearl Harbor?
It’s a game where I lay back and you blow the hell out of me.

Is your name Amundsen?
Since I need you to investigate my south pole.

Remember this name because you´ll be YELL-tsin it later.

Did your parents work on The Manhattan Project?
Because you’re the bomb!

Baby, I would love to set them Georgia Peaches on fire.

How’s your drink?
I just can’t wait to invade your Sudetenland.

Are you an early hominid?
Because I’ve got a Homo Erectus right now.

I’d circumnavigate the globe for you girl, but I wouldn’t die part-way through Magellan-style.

You must be a Quaker, because I could William Penn-etrate you for hours.

Let’s role play… I’ll be Osama you be the cave… Now let me hide in you.

Do you like history?
Because we´re gonna make history tonight.

Like the French at the Bastille, I’d storm the gates for you.

I’m so glad prohibition was repealed because I’m drunk on you.

Do you want to help me with my project on the tit- I’m mean, TET Offensive?

If you were on pearl harbor, they would’ve thrown flowers instead of bombs.

Baby you’re hotter than Rome under Nero.

Are you from Medieval Times?
Cause you Sir Gagsalot!

This must be the 1900s, because my train has some goods that need to be delivered down south.

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