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History pick up lines 📜⌛ in 2024

You wanna play Pearl Harbor?
It’s a game where I lay back and you blow the hell out of me.

You are the Renaissance to my Dark Ages, and you light up my world, girl.

You must be John Locke because you are the key to my conscious.

My heart burns like a witch for you.

Are you related to John Wilkes Booth?
Because your ass is blowing my mind right now.

You and I are like the Balkans…. one spark and we’ll cause a world war.

Madam, it is imperative that you recognize my natural right to pursue your happiness.

Our love isn’t a jealous love – I won’t go all Napoleon and blockade you from your friends.

I’m no James Monroe, but I can give you an Era of Good Feelings.

It is safe to say that you are Lee Harvey Oswald? Since you blow my mind off.

Hey, baby wanna get Blitzkrieged?!

Nice pyramids

I wish to colonize your heart, my dear.

I’m George Washington. Can I cross your Delaware?

Excuse me but I’m looking for weapons of ass destruction.

I’m learning about important dates in history. Wanna be one of them?

If I was a knight, would you lower your drawbridge for me?

Damn, girl, you’re hotter than Chicago in 1871.

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