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Hinge pick up lines in 2024

You have such a cute dog. Will you bring him along on our first date?

I noticed that you are wearing a Tiesto t-shirt. Are you into EDM music?

Quick, what’s your phone background?

Are you a gardener?
I like your tulips.

Hey, I am visiting Vancouver next week for the first time. Are you interested in showing me around by any chance?

(Lime emoji) This is my pick up lime. How are you?

Your job seems cool! How you’d get into it?

Are your parents bakers?
They sure made a cutie pie.

Hey, I see that you like to read fiction. I am quite a fiction lover myself! What is your favorite book?

What’s the most played song on your Spotify?

Do you like cheese?
Would you like to brie with me?

Your bio cracked me up. Honestly, I haven’t laughed this much for a long time.

Based on your photos it looks like you are really into fishing. This is pretty cool. Have you ever tried saltwater fishing?

If you were a fruit, you’d be a fineapple.

I’m going to have to ask you to leave. You’re making the other guys look bad.”

Hi, I am so jealous of your Fiji trip! I’ve always wanted to visit it but never got the time. What was the favored part of your trip?

I’m also a drummer! How long have you been playing?

What do you call a string of people lifting a mozzarella cheese?
A cheesy pick up line.

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