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Harry Potter pick up lines 👓⚡ in 2025

I am SIRIUS-ly into you.

I heard you were in Gryffin-whore, because you let every wizard slyther-in.

Is your name Firenze?
Because you’re the centaur of my universe.

I am SIRIUSly into you.

You must play Quidditch. I know a Keeper when I see one.

One night with me and they’ll be calling you MOANING Myrtle.

You must be a Snitch, because I’ve been Seeking you my whole life.

I’m very interested in exploring your Chamber of Secrets.

Let’s practice Alohomora… you can be the door so I can slam you all I want!

When I look into the Mirror of Erised, I see you giving me your number.

Going to bed?
Mind if I Slytherin?

I may not be the boy who lived, but I can still be your chosen one.

Did you just say “Wingardium Leviosa”?
Cause you’ve got me rising, baby.

Want to get out of here and apparate directly into my bedroom?

Is this the Hogwarts Express?
Because it feels like you and I are headed somewhere magical.

What do you call an electrocuted Dark Lord?
A Volt-demort.

Always. (True Potterheads know the power of this single word!)

Are you a death eater?
Because AzkaDAMN.

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