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Halloween pick up lines 🎃👻 in 2025

I’m a vampire…permission to bite your neck?

Hey, Baby, did you know they call me PumpkinHead?

I’m trying to work up the nerve to ask you out, but I’ve got butterflies in my stomach. And worms. And maggots.

Prove that I’m not a zombie?
Well, your brain is pretty much the only part of you I’m not interested in.

Wow, You must be the pretty princess the evil queen is trying to get rid of.

Can I call you my boo?

I hear this house is haunted… we better stick together.

It’s alive! It’s alive!

Til death do us part and then some dear.

You should try my famous candy-corn chowder. Wanna come over for dinner next Friday?

Hello Boo-tiful

I will make you scream.

Nice pumpkins! And I like your boobs, too.

Want to be part of my costume?
I’ll let you under my sheets.

Am I ap-peeling to you?

Hey, my parents are out of town. That means we have the haunted mansion all to ourselves.

I’ve got a rubber mask and you’ve got the candy- let’s go trick or treating.

So, what do you turn into at midnight?

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