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Gym pick up lines 💪🏋 in 2025

Are you a high jumper because you make my bar go up.

Hi, I think you are new here, and I wanna be the first male to bother you.

My adductor isn’t the only thing that’s longus.

Do you come here often?
Because you are fit.

Do I need tickets to this gun show?

Do you have a band-aid?
Because I’m cut!

I hope you know CPR, because you take my breath away… plus, I just did an hour on the elliptical and I’m feeling a little woozy.

That’s a stain on my bra top, isn’t obvious?
(pointing to the breast)

Do you believe in love at first set?

Girl, do you need to get your protein macros up?
Because I’d gladly put my meat inside you

I’ve got a 6 inch tongue and please teach me know how to use it.

You don’t need to waste your time on that treadmill, you’ve been running through my mind all day.

Nice calves. Have you been working on them?

Are you from Tennessee?
Cause you’re the only ten I see!

Hi, my name’s [name]. Remember it, you’ll be screaming it later tonight.

My feelings for you are like diarrhea, I can’t hold it in!

Would you spot me, cause I sure spotted you.

Have you tried the new cycling class?

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