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Gym pick up lines 💪🏋 in 2024

Hello. If I tell you my balls are bigger than my biceps, will you believe?

Is that a train in your pants, or are you just happy to see me noticing how big your dick is?

You would be in great shape if your body could run like your mouth.

Do you need assistance with your Kegel exercises?

Can I get your jersey?
Your name and number?

I got stopped at the airport last week for trying to bring these guns onto an airplane.

Nice legs you have! What time do they open?

Your pace or mine?

Do you lift?
because i was hoping you’d pick me up.

Do you squat here often?

I never do this, but I think you’re cute and I got tired of waiting for you to talk to me.

Wanna sample some of my SuperPump?

Bet I can bench press you.

Hey baby are you a boxer?
You should because your one hell of a knock out!

Is your tank top felt?
[No] Would you like it to be?

Your dad must be a baker, ‘cuz you’ve got hot buns.

You got my heart racing like a thermogenic.

Can you close the bracelet for me?

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