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Golf pick up lines ๐ŸŒ๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ in 2025

I just finished a round of golf, wanna be my 19th hole today?

Does a bear crap in the woods?
No, but Iโ€™m willing to screw in them.

What do you say you let me pull it for you?

Hey, were you just promoted from Army captain because I’m always up for getting another major?

Wanna see my super stroke?

Oh man, my legs hurt so much. Itโ€™s tough walking straight after 18 holes.

Are you a birdie because I want you!

Hey babyโ€ฆcan you suck a golf ball through 50 feet of garden hose?

I’m a bit tired, so can we just play your backside tonight?

Damn, girl. You’ve got the nicest boobs I’ve seen outside a PGA Tour locker room

Iโ€™ve got some good news. I like to go low.

You look like someone who likes to swing.

Will a bear crap in the woods?
Nah, but Iโ€™m willing to screw in them.

I am going to condition your shaft and your balls before the season for golfing comes, babe.

My caddy says I should use a hard 7. You okay with that?

Need a lesson?
I can help you get it in the hole.

You look like someone who likes to swing.

Iโ€™m known on the tour for having a lengthy club.

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