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Gay pick up lines 🌈🏳️‍🌈 in 2024

Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?

What are the chances of me getting head if I flip a coin?

Those clothes would look great in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor.

Real men eat me.

I want to make you purr like an alley cat.

I seem to have lost my underwear, can I see yours?

Excuse me, could you help me out?
I have an incredible itch that’s buried deep in my butt.

I’m French Horny for your tromboner.

Do you wash your jeans in Windex? …
because I can see myself in them.

Are you a burger, because you can be the meat between my buns!

We’ve got a few hours before my wife gets home 🙂

Hey there, you like glazed or creme filled?

Christ has risen today, and so have my pants.

Hypothetically speaking, if we hooked up you’d be at the bottom.

Is your name Oliver?
Cause in a minute you’re gonna be Oliver this dick.

If you and I were the last men on earth, I bet we could do it in public.

Guys know what guys like!

I’m gay, straighten me out! I’m joining the priesthood tomorrow

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