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Gay pick up lines 🌈🏳️‍🌈 in 2025

Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?

What are the chances of me getting head if I flip a coin?

I seem to have lost my underwear, can I see yours?

Excuse me, could you help me out?
I have an incredible itch that’s buried deep in my butt.

I’m French Horny for your tromboner.

Do you wash your jeans in Windex? …
because I can see myself in them.

Are you a burger, because you can be the meat between my buns!

Those clothes would look great in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor.

Real men eat me.

I want to make you purr like an alley cat.

Hypothetically speaking, if we hooked up you’d be at the bottom.

Is your name Oliver?
Cause in a minute you’re gonna be Oliver this dick.

If you and I were the last men on earth, I bet we could do it in public.

Guys know what guys like!

I’m gay, straighten me out! I’m joining the priesthood tomorrow

Does it make me gay if I hook up with you?

I played Tetris as a kid, so I’m sure I can make it fit.

My name isn’t Elmo, but you can tickle me anywhere you want to.

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