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Gamer pick up lines 🎮 in 2024

You must be as good as Yoshi with that tongue of yours.

You are hotter than Din’s fire.

Do you have a white mage in your party?
I think I just took a lot of damage falling for you.

Hey baby, wanna see my hidden blade?

You’re the only power-up I need.

If I turn my back on you, will you chase me like Boo?

You complete my heart container.

I’m a warlock, a master of shadow magic! Come, let’s do it in the dark.

Why don’t you seduce me?
My resistance is low.

I wanna crawl your dungeon so bad.

Did you just use an elixir?
Because my PP went up!

Did you juse cast graviga on me?
Because I suddenly can’t help but gravitate towards you.

You must be the non-stop climax edition I’ve heard about. I can’t wait to play you.

Full character customization could never hope to capture your beauty.

Do you want to slide down the flagpole and beat the level?

It’s dangerous to go alone. Take me.

I may not be the One Winged Angel, but my Muramasa is definitely long and hard.

I put the “joy” in “joystick.”

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