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Fruit pick up lines 🥝🍓🍑 in 2025

Why I’m feeling thirst?
I think I just need your delicious melons juice.

They don’t stare at me. What can I do?
If your lemons have not enough guts to drink the juice of my watermelons.

Hey girl, you remind me of the fruit in Lehi’s dream; precious above all others.

Do you like cherries? If not can I have yours?

This adventure was just too a-peel-ing to turn down.

I froze some raspberries last summer; 😛 you’re hot enough to defrost them. 🔥

If Eve was tempted by an apple that has to be my fruit.

I’ll eat your peach if you try my zucchini.

Weeks should end with me and you picking strawberries. 

I decided to branch out today.

I can’t wait to have you. We’d make a pearFACT couple.

Girl, you’re a peach, and I could eat a peach for hours.

If you were a berry, I would turn you into jam and enjoy you all winter.

Will you be my strawberry?
Because I want to treat you as the fruit from my heart. 

I want to share 😉 a paopu fruit with you. ^_^

Are you a fruit?
Cause honeydew :-* you know how fine you look right now?

You remind me of the fruit in Lehi’s dream; precious above all others.

I think we´d make a cute pear.

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