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Fresh prince of bel air pick up lines in 2025

Excuse madam would you like to do the limbo inder the coconut tree .

Oh and G.G.W.B. means Good God, What a Booty!

None. He literally acts like a sad puppy.

Wassup baby?
Why don’t you hurry up and write your number down before I don’t want it no more.

I’m hoping you like it dark, hot, sweet and with a spoon in it.

Yo baby, I know your feet must be tired Cause you been running through my mind all day. Come here, Girl!

Baby if i told you that you had a beautiful body will you hold it against me, get it thats a double line thundra.

How about some fries!” “I’m tryin’ to find me some honey’s so I can get myself a lil’ sticky…YA KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN’!?

I gave up my two best friends for a convertible. Oh well, the wind in my face dried my tears!

What do you say the three of us get together this weekend
You, me and your red tube top

Yo baby baby how bout some fries to go with that shake.

Hey baby, I noticed you noticing me; so, I just want to put you on notice that I noticed you too.

Baby, I’m sayin’ bing bang bluesy, me and you in the Jacuzzi.

*Makes siren noise* “Somebody call the cops cause it got to be illegal to look that good!

Hey baby, you look so good I wish I could plant you and grow a whole field of y’all!

I’m hoping you like it dark, hot, sweet, with a spoon in it.

You know what they say behind every successful man theres a woman, but if you wanted to switch positions i am with that too.

I think I’ve seen your picture somewhere before… oh yeah that’s right, it was in the dictionary next to KABLAM!

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